Tuesday, June 20, 2006

New Growth

Well, our yard is coming along. We just had this nice tree planted. It's going to be big and give us alot of shade. How nice is that?
Speaking of "new growth", Abby is growing so fast. She's almost 9 months, and getting cuter everyday. Last weekend
she and I flew to Reno to go to Sarah's bridal shower. It was fun. Abby went to anyone that would give her attention, and everyone loved her. When Papa held her, she snuggled right into his shoulder. Later, when Grandma held her she snuggled into her as well. She's our little snugglebug.

School's Out!

Well, summer has officially started, and although the kids aren't driving me batty yet, they are having fun at home. I just have to plan some little activities for them to do. I've started giving the boys chores and let me just say that it's so nice to have people around here to share the load. ( When I can get them to do their chores.)

In the picture of Dallin, he is receiving his award for maintaining an A average. He worked really hard to keep that. The picture of Elsa is her last day of school getting off the school bus. She loved riding the bus home. Do you like her cute belly?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 4, 2006

Well it's June already! I can't believe Dallin and Elsa will be out for the summer. Only 4 days left. Elsa's teacher said she could've gotten her ready for the summer program, but she didn't want to push her too much. When Elsa feels pushed she kind of shuts down and doesn't say anything. It's like she talks when she wants to and no one can tell her when or what to say at times. Although she is always listening and learning everything that goes on around her. She is so cute. She says something new everyday.
We decided, after talking with Dallins teacher and principal, that it would be best to keep him going to the 2nd grade and see how he does in the first few weeks and if he is still doing really well then he will go into the 3rd grade class for reading and math. Today, Sunday, he had me teach him how to add and subtract decimals. Then, he wanted me to make up some problems for him to do. He did pretty well. Sometimes I would love to go into that little brain of his and see what he thinks about. Very interesting! Always learning.
Calvin is trying my patience alot lately. Totally testing me. He got out the blocks and promised me that he would put them away when he was finished. Well 2 days later the blocks are still out on the floor. Normally, I would pick them up and take points away for leaving a mess, but I don't want him to think that I'll do it everytime, and he just has to sacrifice a few points. So everyday that he leaves them out he loses 3 points. I'm starting to get impatient and ready to just pick them up so the family room is clean. I think I'll wait until he picks them up. I wouldn't want him to win this little battle. Anyway, he is doing good otherwise. He still is so excited to go to Kindergarten. Everyday is still asks if this is the day he goes. Calvin can be a little pill, (Mom's word), yet on the other hand he can be so sweet.
Abby is 8 months and still no teeth and not crawling. Thats o.k. because when I sit her down to play she stays where I put her. The teeth thing is good too, because I'm still breastfeeding her. She gets cuter by the day.
Clint and I are doing great. We're almost finished with our front yard. It's looking really good. I'll take pictures and put them on the blog later. Clint is still liking his calling. (Elder Quorum President) and I'm still loving being in the primary presidency. So much fun! Well, I better go it is getting late and I'm getting very tired.