I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. I'd like to say I was too busy, but that would not be entirely truthful. There's always time for everything if you organize your time wisely, right? Yeah, if only I was better at that. I'm learning.
Well, since Abby's birthday, we have had fun celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving. For Halloween we had a ward carnival and a school carnival which were really fun for the kiddies. Then on Halloween I took the kids trunk or treating at my friend, Sariah's old ward. (Since she and her family moved up to Draper, Ut.) They came down for Halloween and had fun with us. Clint stayed home while I took the kids trunk or
treating, so he could pass out candy to the trick or treaters who came by. Then, Sariah and her kids came home with us that night and the kids watched Charlie and the chocolate factory. It was a fun night. Then, on Nov. 1, Dallin and Calvin were out of school on track break. Elsa still had to go because she is still on the 9 month schedule. Calvin had his 6th birthday and we celebrated by going to Peter Piper Pizza. His favorite thing he got was his digital comera. Anyway, since the boys were already out of school and it was easy to take Elsa out of school a little early, we left a week before Thanksgiving to go to Utah and pick up Hannah and go to Reno for Thanksgiving. We stayed in Utah
for a couple of days and had fun with Hannah and Sariah and her kids. Then, we went to Jeff and Hannah's stake road show. It was good, what I saw of it, anyway. Elsa was tired and she didn't even want to go in to the cultural hall to watch it toward the end of all the road shows. Anyway, then we headed for Starr Valley and stayed with Olivia and her cute little family. We went to church and watched their primary program, then headed to Reno and got there around dinner time. Then, I went to the airport to pick up Clint.
We had a great Thanksgiving. Everyone, including Grandma Dahl, was there except, Tavan and his family and Cedric and Sarah. Well, Cedric and Sarah popped in occasionally to say hi and
eat pie. Then, the day after Thanksgiving Clint and I and Abby, Hannah and Jeff woke up really early and
went shopping. CRAZY! We were sooo crazy! We went to Circuit City first and there was a line at the door waiting for the store to open and it was freezing. We were crazy, I know. But we got some good deals. Then, we went to Kohl's so Hannah and Jeff could get a 7 piece set of luggage for only $39.99. Great deal! And it was the last one. Clint and I got things for the kids christmas. Then, Saturday, we got ready and
headed for home. Oh yeah, while we there in Sparks, I should say. We looked at homes there.
Clint is looking for work up in Sparks/Reno so we can move back up there to be closer to family. I hope everything works out so we can move up there soon. Since we got back, the kids went back to school and Clint got the front yard cleaned up and I am working on getting the house organized and ready
Christmas. So there you have our family news in a nut shell. I will try to keep this blog updated more often.