Sunday, September 28, 2008

Going from terrible 2' sassy 3's

I'm 3!

Atleast I hope the terrible 2's are over. She is into everything! This is Abby after a long day, with no nap, thank goodness she fell asleep on her own because she really tests my patience with bedtime. Usually she keeps getting out of her bed. I finally had (or rather still have to) stand right in her doorway until she falls asleep just to make sure she stays in bed. Thank goodness for Calvin though, that night, he read a book to her and she fell asleep before it was over.

Abby loves jello! One night I made green jello for the kids. It was a treat because
I rarely make it.

Abby was so cute! She came to me wearing these sunglasses with the lens popped out. She loves them just as much! I'm kinda getting use to her hair.

One night, before her bath, I decided I was going to play with her hair a little. It was kinda fun! It kinda looks cool, huh? Don't worry I haven't taken her out in public looking like this.
(More pictures of her birthday party to come later)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A few good pictures

Here are some pictures from Labor Day at Anthony and Danielle's home for a BBQ, and
then on the way home we stopped at Bass Pro Shops......I'll add more later.Abby and Lucy, Uncle Anthony and Aunt Danielle's dog
She loves that dog! The only reason Lucy is in her cage is because Elsa is
very afraid of any dog. (Even little ones)Calvin loves dogs too!Dallin flashing that one of a kind smileCalvin and his toothless grin. Yes, he lost yet another tooth and
at school this past week he lost one more. He's a rich boy!James with a smile that's only hisCousins make the best kind of friends. We'll miss him when
he and his Mom and Dad move to San AntonioAbby and James love to hug each other. It's so cute!I don't know what Elsa was doing to the rail. Maybe she didn't get enough to eat
She was looking at the camera, but at the last minute she turned her headElsa enjoying the funniesDallin enjoying the funniesCalvin and Elsa looking at the coyote exhibit in
Bass pro shopsDon't look now Abby, but there's a bunch of lions behind youAbby watching the HUGE fish in the aquariumDallin and the coyote and mountain lionAbby, thinking it's much safer to stay in the cart while
looking at the lions and coyotes :) Actually she wanted to get out
but Mom wouldn't let her because she would run off.Nooooo Elsa! Don't touch to the lions!Calvin just lookin' cool and hangin' out at the fish aquarium

Date with Mom and Dad

Elsa earned enough points to go out with Mom and Dad without her siblings. She chose to go to the movie, Igor. It just opened on Thursday. It was pretty good and Elsa loved it. Since we had to rush to the theater, we did not get to go to dinner, so we ate hotdogs and chicken wings while watching the movie. After the movie, Elsa wanted to go to the arcade, so that's where we went. We had fun playing the games and getting enough tickets to redeem them for a few toys. Then it was time to go home and go to bed. Elsa had fun and when we asked her if she wanted to do save up her points and do it again, she enthusiastically said, "Yes!" I realized that it was a good thing to take one kid at a time out with us so they can see us in a different scene than, "Mom and Dad" . We ALL were so happy to be there and we had great attitudes about everything. When Elsa redeemed this "prize" and we were planning it. The rest of kids were wishing they could go to. I wonder who we will take out next.