Friday, February 25, 2011

The catch up game

Wow!  I have not posted any thing for a long time.  Now I'm playing the catch up game.  (Story of my life.)
Well, first let me talk about Elsa's birthday.  She turned the big 8 this year.  So we thought it would be nice for her to have a friends party.  So we got invitations and she invited some of her friends.  It was simple and fun.  Just the kind of parties I like.  We had a pinata, face painting, games, and of course cake and ice cream.  Here are some pictures....

Abby was very excited for her party....can ya tell?

Eight things about Elsa that we love...
8.  You make us laugh.
7.  You love to draw and are quite good at it.
6.  You love your brothers and sister...even though you tease them to no end. (I guess that's how you show your love).
5.  You love the gospel and couldn't wait to be baptized.
4.  You're very imaginative!  We love watching you play!
3.  You are definately Daddy's girl!
2.  You also love your mom!
1.  You love to do crafts and things right along side Mom.

Elsa, we love you and wish you the best this year!