Friday, December 05, 2008

We give thanks

Well this year for Thanksgiving, we stayed home. It was kind of nice to just celebrate with just us. On Monday, before Thanksgiving, we did our Thanksgiving tree, and put what we were thankful for on the leaves.
Abby is thankful for food,birthdays, cupcakes, and Jesus.
Elsa is thankful for trees, & family.
Calvin is thankful for technology (interpretation; video games), & clothes.
Dallin is thankful for knowledge, scriptures, and food.
Mom is thankful for her children, the Gospel, and Family
Dad is thankful for Family

Our Thankgiving was grrreat! I think we all had our fill of turkey and pie! (and other stuff)
Then, the day after Thankgiving, do you think we took advantage of "black friday"? Noooo, we went camping! It was quite a fun experience. Until we were getting ready to go. Saturday morning the battery in the car was dead as a doornail. Well, we packed up and went hiking, then Clint hiked to find someone to give us a jump. He ended up finding a nice man whose son-in-law was Clint's scout leader when he was younger. They had a good talk, and charged our battery up and we went home. We all slept really well that night. Enjoy the pictures! I am going to put more on later.
Then, on Sunday, we went to church and had a good day. Then, later that night, Micah and Camille paid us a visit. It was so nice to sit down a chat with them. The girls loved their visit too. Camille read to them ALL the books they brought to her, and at one moment I thought that Elsa was going to talk to her, but nope. They also loved to collect "chuckle eggs" from Uncle Micah.
Anyway, then on Monday night they came over with little Johnny Covey and had pie and idiot's delight. We had so much fun and they're welcome anytime, along with anyone else who wants to come over. I just like this picture. Elsa got a hold of the camera and took it.Here's Uncle Micah giving Elsa a noogie. I think.
That's what it looks like, but maybe he was just looking for chuckle eggs.
Elsa loved it!


Camille said...

Man, that was so fun! It felt so normal, like that's what we do every Sunday and Monday. I wonder if that's a sign that we will one day live close enough to each other that we will visit each other every Sunday!

We're really looking forward to Christmas. Tell those girls to bring ALL their books... if they want to :)

Britta and Julia said...

We would love it if we lived closer. We can't wait until Christmas either!