Thursday, July 16, 2009

Everyone should have one....

Well, if you have a kid who hates to have water poured over their head during bath time, then you should own this. Ever since Abby started taking baths she has never liked water poured over her head (face). I would usually let her play first then wash her hair/body, because when I did she always wanted OUT. I actually saw this a year or two ago at Walmart and thought, "Oh I don't need it, Abby just needs to toughen up." After about a year of screaming and crying and fighting me to not pour water on her, I saw it at Target and decided to splurge a little (it was only about $5, don't ask me why I didn't "splurge" earlier) and get it. Best "splurge" I ever made. Abby loves it, and now I can wash her before she "plays" and give her more time in the tub. Everybody wins!


OurLittleFamily said...

She is so cute! I have seen those... I am glad you let us know that they work...James is the same way... we tell him to close his eyes, and then when we pour he opens his is horrible... I think I will have to splurge on that too for sure!

Devon and Alicia said...

I have one of these too and I think they are great. Devon made fun of me when I brought it home and said I just bought a big cup. He warmed up to it fast when it kept the water out of Ava's face and she wasn't crying during bath time anymore.

Hannah Stevenson said...

We seriously need to get this for the girls. She's such a cutie patutie!