Thursday, January 27, 2011

Firsts and Lasts

First of all I'm going to talk about the "lasts".  Last night we went to Calvin's pinewood derby.  Yes it was his last one.  The last one for our family to attend.  (Until the kids have boys of their own, but that's way off in the future.)  Being in a different ward, (because of boundary changes).  Calvin had a lot more competition this year and there were some pretty cool looking and FAST cars.  The whole time making his car, Calvin kept saying that he wanted to win 1st this year, when he said the blessing on the food for dinner that night, he blessed that he would win.  Of course, we kept reminding him that he has more competition and that the purpose of the race was to have fun.  Well, his car did really well and he won 3rd.  He was happy and we were so proud of him.
 This is one happy kid!  He got a dog tag with a #3 on it. (Made by a woman in our ward.) and a 100 grand candy bar. 
 I realized that I never took a picture of the car by itself with the wheels on it.  When I did the license plate, I  super glued the word on it and got it crooked.  Oh well, Calvin didn't seem to mind.
(He painted it and wanted me to do the details)

Here is Clint putting graphite on the wheels right before the race.

This last one was one of the final run of the night.  
Their were three final runs and they were all very close like this one.

That same night, Dallin had his first Court of Honor.  He received 4 centennial merit badges.  What makes these special is that last year, being the centennial year of Boy Scouts, was the only year to earn these merit badges.  We are so proud of him and glad he loves scouting.  We are also very appreciative of his and Calvin's scout leaders.  It really does matter when there are good leaders out there. 

 This is one proud and happy kid!
This is one silly kid!


Jan said...

The time goes way too fast, doesn't it? Such a great lesson in 'enjoy the moments as they happen'.

Camille said...

Wow, cool firsts and lasts! I don't know anything about scouting so I'll really be looking up to these cousins when Nigel and Bradley start. Whenever that is.... when is that? When does the scouting program start? I have a *lot* to learn!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Oh man, so weird that you are done with pinewood derbies and really weird to think that we will be doing this with "O" someday. Dallin is looking so's creeping me out! How did those two grow up so fast?!

Cedric Anderson said...

Awesome work, guys. Boy Scouts provided some of the best fun I ever had as a young man. I'm proud of you dudes.

-Uncle Ced

Ruth said...

I'm with you Camille, I've got a lot to learn too!
Good job to Dallin, Calvin and his amazing parents!!

RuthandJordan said...

Good job, Calvin, on the race. I never came in 3rd (that I remember) but hope to figure out some legal (or not) way that Massey's cars will ALWAYS win 1st!
Congrats Dallin! I think I had 1 scout get 1 merit badge at our last CoH. Good job.