Friday, July 02, 2010

Every kid has his day

Today Clint, Dallin, Abby, and I went to see Calvin and the rest of his GATE class perform as "living statues" of our founding fathers and mothers of this great country.  The GATE class put together a little "museum" of living statues, such as Martha Washington, John Hancock, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross, etc.  Calvin acted as George Washington and did a great job.  (In my opinion....I might be a little biased.) They performed for the other kids in the school (so Elsa got to see him too.)   Calvin was so excited to do this and to wear his costume.  The day before, he was trying on his costume, he said, " You know, Mom, some of the other kids are just wearing hats."  I said, "Do you just want to wear a hat too?"  He said, "No, I want to wear my costume."  "Good boy!" I thought, "I don't have to strangle you."  I spent that whole day figuring out how to make his wig, ruffles on his shirt, and sleeves(which you can't see in the movie because he has his hands behind his back).  He was so proud to wear it!

In the video you'll hear clapping in the middle of his little speech, but they are clapping for the other kids as they finished their little speeches.  Sorry I haven't figured out how to get rid of background noises.  Anyway, both Clint and I are so proud of him.   Enjoy!



Camille said...

WOW! That is so great. Great costume. Great performance. Way to go guys!

OurLittleFamily said...

He looks so cute. I can't believe how much he has grown. LOVE IT! Tell him the 3 of us are very proud of him and we wished we could have been there in person to see him. LOVE IT!

Cedric Anderson said...

Calvin, I remember when I did a similar project in the fifth grade. I was Caesar Augustus. I did such a good job, they named a salad dressing after me. You also did a fantastic job, my nephew. Keep up the good work.

Hannah Stevenson said...

Wow Calvin! Good work on the memorizing. I'm proud of you and VERY proud of your Mom for making such an AWESOME costume!

Olivia Cobian said...

Great work, Calvin and Britta!