Friday, July 08, 2011

Abby is so happy

Why is she happy?  Because summer school is over!  For the month of June, Abby had been taking a summer reading class at Brookman Elementary.  She loved it except for the part when she had to be there at 8:00 in the morning.  (I didn't like that either).  I'm just glad we don't live too far from the school and Calvin is old enough to stay home with Elsa for a few minutes while I took Abby to school and picked her up.  At the end of the course they had a little presentation to let us, parents, know what they did in school for the month.  Abby's group theme was "Animal tracks" and they sang a couple of songs about  transportation, BUT they were dressed up like animals.  It was too cute, and I can't believe she is our last kindergartener, or should I say, 1st grader.  She did really well then AND in summer school.  She likes to read a little more now, not totally but she's getting there.  With a little practice she'll be reading independently in no time!  Her teacher said she is ready for 1st grade WOO HOO!  Here are some pictures and videos....


OurLittleFamily said...

Glad she loved summer school and was able to get more reading in.

Britta and Julia said...

I like Abby's ears! They are pointy and black. by Elsa