Thursday, August 03, 2017

Day 3 of August Journal Writing

Just when the caterpillar thought his life was ending, he turned into a butterfly.

When I saw this journal prompt this morning I thought it would be tough to write about, but as I thought it through out the day and as I'm pondering on it as I'm writing right now, I'm thinking that this is a pretty cool thought.  I mean, how many times do we go through life at times thinking that our lives are over, we've hit rock bottom, how are we gonna get out of this one...When I was in church this last Sunday, we were talking about trials in sunday school and how the Lord doesn't give us trials to punish us but to refine us.  He's making diamonds out of us.  Next time I feel like this caterpillar, I'm going to get down on my knees and thank Heavenly Father for my trials, then kindly ask Him to help me through it. 

Good night!


Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Day 2 August Journal Prompt

Today we write about what were grateful for! 
I have a lot of things that I am grateful for, like material things. But what I want to express thanks for is my talents and abilities.  I went jogging this morning and it was so hard to get out of bed.  I am so glad I pushed myself and did it.  As I think of that I think how grateful I am to have two legs that work and a healthy body to run with.  I'm also grateful for my talents to sew and crochet.  I love both of those hobbies of mine. It's so much fun to be able to sit down and see what I want to crochet or sew and just do it.  With and without a pattern.

 I would a picture of me running, but I'm not the most flattering runner.  Haha!  I'm also grateful for my husband and my kids and my parents who taught me to love God and love myself.  They were the best examples for me as I grew up.  I'm also grateful for my one and only sister.  She has always been my rock!  We had and still have great times!  It wasn't too easy growing up in a family of 4 brothers.  They were annoying like brothers can be, but I am grateful for them as well.  I really did have such a happy childhood!  I am grateful to be a wife and mom!  At times it can be tough, but those tough times make the good times that much sweeter! 
I love my life!

What are you grateful for?

Thanks for coming over!


Day 1 My August Journal Prompt

Ok, so for day 1 my goal for this month is to write in my journal, either private or here everyday.  We'll see how I do.  I'm really excited about this and hope I can stay up to date.  These journal prompts should help.  I'm going to be checking in and posting the new prompt for the day on Instagram and Facebook, so make sure you're following me on one or both of my accounts.  
Have a great day and thanks for coming to my blog today!
  1. Set one goal for August. Write it down.
  2. What are you grateful for today?
  3. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned unto a butterfly.” (Proverb)
  4. Write a memory from more than 10 years ago
  5. Do you have a favorite athletic event?
  6. Write about your first car.
  7. Write a poem about a lighthouse.
  8. What are you excited about this week?
  9. What town or city are you grateful for?
  10. “No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist” (anonymous)
  11. What is one moment that changed your life’s path?
  12. Use 50 words to describe your day
  13. Write about a loved book character
  14. Write a poem about summertime
  15. What idea inspires you?
  16. What time of day are you grateful for?
  17. “Do one thing every day that scares you” (anonymous)… What did you do today that scares you?
  18. Write about a memory from elementary school
  19. Use 50 words to describe your week
  20. Write about the last place you visited
  21. Write a poem about weather
  22. Where would you go if money were no object?
  23. What season are you grateful for?
  24. “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” (John Wooden)
  25. Write about a summer memory
  26. Use 50 words to describe yourself
  27. Write about your day from the perspective of your shoes.
  28. Write a poem about school
  29. What words do you hope people use to describe you?
  30. What is one thing from the last month that you are grateful for?
  31. How’d your August goal go? Set a goal for September.I'm going to be checking in and posting the new prompt for the day on Instagram and Facebook, so make sure you're following me on one or both of those.