Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flash back!

This is Elsa at age 4, at Legoland. I was finally able to put it on youtube, then here. So enjoy! Oh and feel free to add any commentary as you watch it. I couldn't figure out how to add it or music as I was making this video. I'm still learning this Windows 7/moviemaker program. Anyway, here it is....Clint and I thought this was one of the funniest moments in our kids lives. We laughed so hard. I understand though if it's not that funny for any of you. Usually your own child is more funny to you than someone else's. Know what I mean?! Enjoy!


OurLittleFamily said...

That was funny! We were busting up too.

Clint n Britta's tribe said...

Not only does Elsa look like me, she also drives like me.

Clint n Britta's tribe said...

very funny Clint! Actually. it was funny that while Dallin was watching it, our music was playing at the same time and right when Elsa got her "license" the music went from "Hakuna Matata" to "Panic in the streets of London...." LOL

OurLittleFamily said...

That is funny that Clint put "she drives like me" because when we were watching it (Anthony & I) he was being funny and said "Elsa drives like Britta"... know you are never going to live that down.

That is funny the song changed when she got her license. Funny!

Britta and Julia said...

Yes, but in my defense, I never ran into anything in front of me. :)

Camille said...

Awesome. You have to show this to her when she is 16.

OurLittleFamily said...

That is true Britta...people need to stop moving those poles after you park! :)

Alright...we have teased you enough.

RuthandJordan said...

Massey would love legoland. You know Britta, he loves the tricycle you gave him, he asks to ride it everyday. This video is very cute, and when Jordan sees it, I know what he'll say: " See, all women are bad drivers!" He always tells me that I'm a bad driver. Men might think we're bad drivers but we're definitely more cautious and our accidents cause very little damage.
Miss you guys!