Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's up there?

Last Friday night, we finally broke out our telescope (that we got for Christmas in 2007).  I read on facebook, from one of my friends from elementary school, that if you look up in the sky you can see Jupiter right next to the moon .  So, I went outside and looked up and there it was.  So the next night, Friday, I got the telescope out and the kids and I had fun looking through it and seeing Jupiter and the moon.  Here are a couple of pictures of the kids looking through the telescope.  Maybe next time we look through it, I'll figure out how to take pictures of what we see and post those, but for now here is Calvin and Abby having fun.   (Sorry I didn't get any of Dallin and Elsa, I don't know why.)


Camille said...

I love t-shirt pajamas. Tell everyone we said hello!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Is that a vintage Ricks College tee? Cool telescope! Jeff would be jealous.

Britta and Julia said...

Yeah, Hannah, I got the shirt when I was at Ricks, so I guess it would be vintage huh? Am I that old? I guess so. hehehe!

Kira said...

awesome job with the telescope! I bought one at a local estate sale auction, but it turns out it was missing some major things, like the LENS!!! We just went sky gazing last night and were admiring some stuff ... until the kids complained about how cold it was (30 degrees with wind) ...