Thursday, November 27, 2008

Flash back

I was looking at some of our older videos of the kids. When I saw this one I could not believe how little our boys once were. It just goes to show how fast they grow up, so whoever reads this, enjoy them while they are young. The whole time while I was watching this I kept thinking "I wish I could go back and give them a great big squeeze". This was of our little family party on Dallin's 6th birthday. I love the part when he reads that Uncle Jordan signed the card. Here it is......enjoy!


sarah said...

What a cool video, Britta! You're such a cool mom.

Hannah Stevenson said...

Oh they grow up SO FAST! My heart kind of hurts watching this. I love Dallin!

Ruth said...

I love the part when he reads that uncle Jordan signs it too!
I'm looking forward to the day that Massey can read his own birthday cards, walk, not wake up so much at night, and change his own diapers. But, who knows when that will be.